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FY2018 CoC Program NOFA

2018年5月4日b| September 27, 2019 | 11,104 total views

LA CoC FY2018 CoC Program NOFA Application

和优先级列表 已提交!


LA CoC政策

FY2018 CoC Consolidated Application

FY2018 LA CoC Application

FY2018 LA CoC Planning Application

FY2018 Priority Listing

7 新 Project and 202 Renewal Applications (including 25 Consolidation Applications)



日期、时间 & Details     
2018年6月 June 20, 2018 - HUD Released FY 2018 CoC Program Competition NOFA新变化 & 突出了
2018年7月 July 18, 2018 - 现金娱乐网注册's Deadline for Form 2880 Disclosure Report to be sent to 现金娱乐网注册, HACLA or HACoLA as appropriate

August 13, 2018 - 现金娱乐网注册's Deadline for all project applications to be submitted to 现金娱乐网注册

8月31日, 2018 - 现金娱乐网注册's Deadline for final project application submissions to 现金娱乐网注册

8月31日, 2018 - Deadline for 现金娱乐网注册 to notify all agencies concerned regarding project acceptance, rejection or reduced outside of e-snaps for the FY2018 CoC Program Competition


September 14, 2018 - 现金娱乐网注册's Plan to submit 2018 CoC Program Application to HUD

9月16日, 2018 - 现金娱乐网注册's Plan to make all parts of the CoC Consolidated Application available on its website 2 days before HUD deadline. 

9月17日, 2018 - 现金娱乐网注册 submitted the 2018 CoC Program Application 和优先级列表 on behalf of LA CoC.

September 18, 2018 - HUD deadline for FY 2018 CoC Program competition

 NOFA办公时间 (请点击 在这里 to register once for the entire series.)

2018年7月17日                               3:30pm-4:30pm                                 Office Hour Webinar for FY2018 CoC Program Competition (Focus: 2018 CoC Program 新 Projects RFP). 点击 在这里 的问题 & 答案.
2018年7月24日 3:30pm-4:30pm Office Hour Webinar for FY2018 CoC Program Competition (Focus: Project Consolidation for Eligible Renewal Projects). 点击 在这里 的问题 & 答案.
2018年7月31日 3:30pm-4:30pm Office Hour Webinar for FY2018 CoC Program Competition (Focus: Program Evaluation & 上诉过程). 点击 在这里 的问题 & 答案.
2018年8月7日 3:30pm-4:30pm Office Hour Webinar for FY2018 CoC Program Competition (All NOFA 相关的 Questions Welcome!). 点击 在这里 的问题 & 答案.
2018年8月14日 3:30pm-4:30pm Office Hour Webinar for FY2018 CoC Program Competition (All NOFA 相关的 Questions Welcome!). 点击 在这里 的问题 & 答案.
2018年8月21日 3:30pm-4:30pm Office Hour Webinar for FY2018 CoC Program Competition (All NOFA 相关的 Questions Welcome!). 点击 在这里 的问题 & 答案.
2018年8月28日 3:30pm-4:30pm Office Hour Webinar for FY2018 CoC Program Competition (All NOFA 相关的 Questions Welcome!). 点击 在这里 的问题 & 答案.
2018年9月4日 3:30pm-4:30pm Final Office Hour Webinar for FY2018 CoC Program Competition (All NOFA 相关的 Questions Welcome!). T在这里 were no Questions. Please send any further NOFA related questions by e-mail to nofa@gurgaonpropertysale.com.

CoC Renewal Performance Evaluation & 重新分配

FY2018 CoC NOFA APR List for Renewal Evaluation
FY2018 CoC Program Appeals Process and Submission Form
FY2018 CoC Renewal Projects Performance Evaluation - Full Methodology
FY2018 CoC Program Priority List Ranking 政策
FY2018 CoC Program 重新分配 政策
FY2018 Project Priority List
FY2018 Reallocated Projects List


日期            TIME                 DETAILS
2018年6月27日   RFP批准
2018年6月27日   征求建议书
2018年7月10日 10 am-12pm Proposers' Conference for Joint TH-RRH Project (研讨会)
2018年7月10日 1 pm-3pm Proposers' Conference for PSH (研讨会)
2018年7月12日 2pm Written Questions Due
2018年7月17日 3:30pm-4:30pm Office Hour Webinar for FY2018 CoC Program Competition (Focus: 2018 CoC Program 新 Projects RFP). 点击 在这里 的问题 & 答案.
2018年7月20日 2pm 提交截止日期
2018年8月   Quality Review Approval
TBD   程序开始


RFP Proposers Conference

2018 CoC Program 新 Projects RFP for Joint Transitional Housing-Rapid Rehousing Proposers Conference Webinar Recording 

2018 COC Program 新 Projects RFP For Joint Transitional Housing-Rapid Rehousing Proposers Conference Webinar Presentation

2018 CoC Program 新 Projects RFP for Joint Transitional Housing-Rapid Rehousing Proposers Conference Webinar - Attendee List

2018 CoC Program 新 Projects RFP for Permanent 支持ive Housing Proposers Conference Webinar Recording

2018 COC Program 新 Projects RFP For Permanent 支持ive Housing Proposers Conference Webinar Presentation

2018 COC Program 新 Projects RFP For Permanent 支持ive Housing Proposers Conference Webinar - Attendee List   

RFSQ Exhibit I - Certified Agencies & 资金来源 



2018 CoC Program 新 Projects RFP- Revised per 齿顶高 #2  

2018 CoC Program 新 Projects RFP - TH-RRH and PSH Questions and 答案



2018 CoC Program 新 Projects RFP - 齿顶高 #1 

2018 CoC Program 新 Projects RFP - 齿顶高 #2 


RFP Application 文档

2018 CoC Program 新 Projects RFP - MyOrg Application

2018 CoC Program 新 Projects RFP - Subcontractor Program Profile

2018 CoC Program 新 Projects RFP - Budget Template 

2018 CoC Program 新 Projects RFP - HUD form 2880 - Disclosure Report Form


Past Performance Reports Submission 文档

2018 CoC NOFA RFP Reports Instructions

Request for Proposal (RFP) Past Performance Submission Cover Sheet - PSH

Request for Proposal (RFP) Past Performance Submission Cover Sheet - TH

Request for Proposal (RFP) Past Performance Submission Cover Sheet - RRH


RFP 资金 Recommendations

2018 CoC Program 新 Projects RFP - 资金 Recommendations - PSH Projects

2018 CoC Program 新 Projects RFP - 资金 Recommendations - Joint TH-RRH Projects


HUD form 2880 - Applicant/Recipient Disclosure

HUD form 2880 - Disclosure Report Form


Grant Inventory Worksheet (GIW)

FY2018 LA CoC GIW (Final Report)

FY2018 LA CoC GIW Change Form Submitted by 现金娱乐网注册 to HUD

FY2018 LA CoC GIW (Preliminary Report)

FY2018 CoC Program GIW Instructions for CoCs, Collaborative Applicants, and Project Applicants

FY2018 GIW Change Form 与 Rental Assistance Worksheet



FY2017 CoC Program NOFA

FY2016 CoC Program NOFA

FY2015 CoC Program NOFA

FY2014 CoC Program NOFA


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FY 2023 CoC Program NOFO
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